Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Color of Water: Part two

The more I read of this book, the more it is starting to grow on me. I love reading about McBride, but I love reading about his mother even more. Its not typical of what I read, its a bit depressing, but I like it anyways. In my last blog, I said that she was more over protecting of her kids than she should be, but since reading more of her past, I see why she is so, crazy. However, I sometimes have to remind myself that unlike most of the other "similar" books I've read, The Color of Water isn't fiction and that everything in the book happened to James McBride and his mother because what i usually do read is fiction. And being the fiction lover i am, I understand the suffereing and pain but It is not real so I can over look it sometimes. I can't believe that the girl who went through so challanges grew up to become the strong, self-confident mother that McBride describes in his point of view.