Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Fahrenheit 451 part one.

When I started reading Fahrenheit 451 I was extremely confused. I didn’t understand at all what happened when Montag and Mildred almost died by some sort of explosion or what seemed to me as a sonic boom that was caused by jets that flew overhead.   I’m not really sure of how I feel about this book so far.  All that I know about this book is that people have pretty much lost their sense of free will and don’t question anything in the world any more (reminds me of tamed zombies), but if someone does question, then the firemen will have to eliminate that person.   One more thing that I don’t understand is the Hound.  I don’t understand what the purpose a mechanical spider thing (which sounds awesome) is to the backwards firemen, who instead of putting out fires, they cause fires.  I didn’t like how Clarisse McClellan died so early in the book.  She, so far, is the only somewhat same person in Fahrenheit 451, but I’m glad that Montag is starting to question things.  I have a feeling that his wife is going to turn him in or something else that will hurt either him or his reputation.