Monday, January 17, 2011

This book is not the kind of book I would normally read. This is probably the reason why I enjoy it so much. I loved his stories of his early life, the whole time thinking what else could possibly happen in Stephen Kings life. Through out the first part of the book, I kept asking myself, "How many aunts and uncles does he have!?" I think the reason for me asking this question was due to the shortness of the book. King had to cram so much information in so few pages, but like the amazing writer he is, he did it. King knows how to use language, crude language at that. I loved how when he was a kid he thought "that a bitch was an extremely tall woman." and I also loved  "Colonel Sanders sold a hell of a lot of fried chicken, but I'm not sure anyone wants to know how he made it." At times he might of had funny thoughts, but he also had gross and messed up thoughts, like girls throwing tampons at another girl in a shower, I mean really, who thinks of that kind of stuff? Even though he has some strange thoughts, I still love his writing, I really hope the rest of the book is like the first part. The part of the book dealing with poems was not too interesting for me. I am not a huge fan of poetry, but still, King knew how to write in such a manner to keep me hooked, wanting to read more. Overall I loved the first part of the book and want to finish.

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