Tuesday, January 25, 2011

On Writing, Part 2.

Slightly Disappointing. That is what I thought of the second part of On Writing. I was deeply interested while reading the first part of On Writing. All of Kings humor, which kept me wanting to read on in the first part, was slowly disappearing. King did put little "funnies" here and there, but not the same mass of funny writing as part one. I'm not saying this is a stupid or awful book. No, this section does have many hints and tips about writing, I just do not like books with a boring topic or not necessarily funny as expected. I do like his get to the point writing though. Especially when he was saying he would not lie to somebody and tell them there are no bad writers, but lots of bad writers. I find this not only funny, but true. Many writers should not be as popular as they are. But hey, that is just my opinion. I do like his opinion on the way he writes. King said he writes one word at a time and that either a one page essay or a trilogy such as The Lord of The Rings is just writing one word at a time. He did earn much of my respect when he was talking about fixing misspellings and picking up the inconsistencies. I mean by this that, he puts much work into making sure his work is correct, because "Only God gets it right the first time" and how only slobs say, "Oh well, let it go, that's what copyeditors are for." To me, this tells me that he takes much pride in his work and doesn't like others correcting his mistake. I do no believe however that following all of his tips will make you a "Great Novel Writer" but it will help your writing. Hopefully the next part of the book will have more humor. I'm praying it does.

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