Tuesday, February 1, 2011

On Writing- Part Three

Finally, I am done with Kings, On Writing. The last part of it was, to say the least, boring. His book went from hilarious in the first part, Interesting to the second part, and something I didn't want to read about. It may not have been something I wanted to read, but it did give me another idea of what King believes good writing is. I agree with some of it, like his belief that you should not substitute words to replace what you really are thinking because you're "thinking about the Legion of Decency." I highly agree with this, I believe writers lose their... talent, if they are just writing to please a crowd and not writing for their self.  Throughout the book he, I guess you can say urges, people who have a talent should write, and write a lot. I agree with this because practice makes perfect, but only if one has talent to be perfected. When he talks about how friends are biased in correcting ones work, but a somewhat biased view is what he looks for, I did not completely understand. Sure he talks about how he would rather hear bad news from a friend than from random strangers, but would not most friends say a work is great when it is only good? I believe that if you are going to pick friends to correct your work, at least pick intellectual friends that will not lie to you because he might not want to hurt ones feelings, but pick one that will tell you the truth in a soft manner. To wrap my opinon up, I liked the first half of the book, but was bored with the last part. I may not have been interested in the end but I did learn some of King's advice and will try to use it in the future.

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