Monday, February 7, 2011

On Writing Final Essay

 Stephen King has a huge dedication to writing. Not many people can find that they love to write at age eight and keep writing throughout his life. I mean, when I was eight I was more worried about climbing a tree or something else not as productive as writing. I do give props to King, I would hate writing my whole life.( But I would write if I could spit words on a sheet of paper and make hundreds of thousands of dollars for it. )  His dedication just shows itself more when you look at King's background. With no father, a trouble making brother, and a mother that barely made enough for her alone. His desire to write and create art in his own talented way is astonishing and clearly out dues most peoples motivation skills.
King talks about him writing on his birthday and holidays. I would understand the holidays if he meant presidents day, or Martin Luther King Jr. Day, or some other smaller holidays, but writing on Christmas, Thanksgiving, or his Birthday is outrageous. I never think about writing on any of these three days. My train of thought is usually, sleep then wake up, eat, do nothing all day but have fun with friends and or family.  
In 1999, King was walking down the road one and at the same time a man was driving on the same road in his van. The van driver got distracted with his dog and didn’t see King in the street. He hit King and King was sent to the hospital to get several surgical procedures in order to be healed. He had many injuries such as: his knee split down the middle, a fracture in the right hip, his spine was chipped in many places, and a cut on his scalp. As soon as King was cleared to return home, instead of doing nothing but rest, he went right back to writing! He knew to maintain his great skill he would have to continue writing through thick and thin.
From Kings past of poverty all throughout his life until he was past college and had even been working, he strived to write. He continued to believe in himself, and that look on things paid off. His first big break came when he sold a book for $200,000! King’s life just goes to show that the only way to be a good writer is to practice, practice, and, oh yes, practice some more.

1 comment:

  1. Your intro is interesting; I like the personal connections. However, I'm not sure that contrasting your personal writing habits to King's is effective. Be careful to proofread before you post--there are some minor errors. Avoid informal language--this is an essay test and not a mere response.

    Score=> 5->85
