Monday, April 11, 2011

Life of Pi Part two

Just as I already knew, this part was definatly more interesting than the first part of the book was. It didn't seem as random and now it seems to have a point and the story flows a lot better as well. However there were still a few parts that we're confusing because the way that the author wrote some parts were a bit, well... comfusing.. For example, when Pi first got in the boat and for awhile Richard Parker just disappeared. He wasn't even mentioned for a couple of chapters. One thing I really was how gory some parts were, like when he was discribing the animals killing each other because after reading other, non action books, it is nice to have a bit of death and fight in it. I cant believe how much more interesting the second part is compared to the first part. I do admire Pi for going through everything though. Personally, I dont know if i could have done it, but I can fish and blood and gore doesnt really bother me. I liked this part of the book, but can not wait for the next part.

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